Tuesday, December 20, 2011

About three months ago someone approached me at a party. The subject of kids came up and eventually I mentioned that Brody was diagnosed with autism. She meant well and meant to actually comfort me once she found out.  The conversation went a little like this:

Person: "Brody has autism? Oh, well, you know what? I know (insert name here) and their son has autism. He is now in his thirties."

Me: "Does he have a girlfriend?"

Person: "Well, no..."

Me: "Does he drive?"

Person: "No, he lives with his parents....he likes to rent videos, play video games, he doesn't have a job, but he goes out to eat with his parents sometimes..."

I realize this may sound like a few people you know...living at home at age 30 playing video games at his/her parent's house, but it took everything in me not to start crying in front of this lady.

This sadness soon turned into selfishness. I should not care of Brody will marry or drive a car, but I do. Who doesn't want their son to grow up and have a family of his own?

Who will take care of him when I am gone?

This is the thought that wakes me up in the middle of the night. Who will love him when he is 30 years old? Will he have a wife? Will he have children?

With any child, autistic or not, all parents have these thoughts. I know my parents did. I am sure there were moments when they just weren't sure what I was going to do with my life. They may also have thought I would end up in their basement playing video games, instead of getting married and having children of my own.

So, now when I go to a party, I become the "Brody Match-maker.." If I find out someone has a two year old daughter, I immediately start telling him/her about Brody (and Destin, too).

"Brody is soooo cute, and sweet! Now how old is your little girl?"

1 comment:

  1. Cassie, i don't have an autistic child, so please excuse me if i overstep. Brody is going to have an amazing life, because he has been blessed with you as his mother, and matt as his father. the important thing is that he is loved, and he is so so loved.
