Not sure what has gotten into Brody lately, but the boy is talkin'.
He is not reciting poetry or anything, but I have heard a series of lovely pop-out words that have gotten me very excited. These words may not mean a lot to the parent of any "typical" three year old, in fact I bet you wish they would stop talking. But to me, these words make my heart melt. Just like when I heard Destin speak for the first time, too. Although he could master puzzles and do math before he spoke real sentences...over-achiever.
Yes, the word 'no' may seem like an annoying example. And Brody has said 'no' or something like it before, but lately he has said 'no' with gusto.
Like the man means it. And he says it in regards to more than just food now. He says it about Frodo, taking a bath, putting on shoes, taking medicine, anything. Just like any crazy kid would.
"I'm Mad!"
He said it! Plain as day while Matt and I stripped him down for bath time this week. I plopped him in the water and after much disgust and eating the bubbles, he just yelled, "I'm mad!" Well he is not only saying how he feels but in the correct context! Woot!
My own personal favorite. "Momma" was one of his first words. Brody said his first word at 10 months. And he just kept speaking from there. It was awesome; he was on a roll. But then the words stopped. And I went for about 2 years without hearing "Momma." Kind of broke my heart a little, but I can't stay upset. I know he knows I am his mother. Definitely. But it was nice to hear this word all week long and he would say it while looking at me or holding my hand.
Now, we have no idea who or what "Boo-Boo" is in our house. My cousin Amanda, her nickname is Boo-Boo. She used to fall down a lot as a kid and get "Boo-Boos." Catchy, I know. But unless Brody is a medium with psychic powers, this obviously means something else. He says it when he is happy or excited mostly. So, I guess this is some kind of happy-go-lucky-I-am-having-fun word?
There you have it. Brody's new, regular words are coming right along. I am excited to see if they "stick." Or if they fade away in the next month. I am confident they are here to stay. But I have learned to take every good day for what it's worth and every moment to heart.
Again, Brody was sent to us so Matt and I would never take any moment for granted again. Because that one special moment, like hearing the word "Momma," may never come back.
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