Thursday, February 2, 2012

Destin is a Nerd. And that's OK.

About 2 weeks ago, I got a call from Destin's school about some concerning "behaviors" he was displaying in class.

His teacher explained that he frequently:
- Focused and obsessed on race cars, drew pictures of them, talked about them a lot, would make paper ones and race them in class.
- Avoided group activities and preferred to play alone or color/read.
- Preferred to talk to her than the other kids at times
- Loved math and played games with numbers
- Discussed the date and the weather in class.
- Remembered dates and was very smart with numbers, but not so much with writing.

As the conversation continued, the child psychologist for the school got on the phone and explained she wanted to have Destin tested for...wait for it...wait..Autism.

Yes, that's right. You heard here first.

The shrink (I am only saying "shrink" because it takes less time to type) said these behaviors are sure signs of ASD and that he probably only had a "slight case of autism."

A slight case of autism is like being a little bit pregnant.

I remained very calm on the phone and explained that we had a child with an ASD diagnosis. I told her I was more concerned with Destin's anxiety about school than with his preference to play alone or talk about cars, etc. The shrink said she knew about Brody from Destin's teacher. They were aware and just wanted to "play it safe" and run some tests and observations in class. She said to look for the consent forms in his backpack.

Then she hung up.

So, of course I shook like a leaf...called my mother, called my husband, my sister, my dad. Cried, yelled, screamed. All of that stuff. I called my friends, who are also educators, and asked for guidance.
Katie Hensler, if you are reading, you are a GODSEND. A true friend.

Why can't people just leave my kids alone?

Now, I understand all of this awareness is a very good thing. Believe me. I have been there and back and back again. I know his teachers CARE deeply for Destin. And it is wonderful. Destin's teacher is a sweetheart and I love talking to her. She has a great sense of humor, a lot of energy. She loves him.
We are so lucky. This post is in no way an angry letter to her...

But seriously...autism? Because he LOVES race cars, NASCAR, bowling, and is painfully shy in large groups, he has ASD?

So, I did what any good mother would do in this case. I immediately called our amazing neurologists,
Dr. Rothman and Dr. Mantovani and made an appointment at Mercy Hospital.


The appointment was yesterday. And after an hour of questioning Destin Boland, making him do a series of "tricks" (as I call them) and other cognitive tasks, Dr. Rothman concluded that...

Destin is a Nerd.

Now he did not say those words exactly, but I knew what he was thinking.

He said Destin is very "unique" and has some quirks, but does NOT in ANY WAY have ASD or any spectrum disorder. Period.

Was I relieved? Of course. Who wouldn't be?

Am I angry at his teacher or the child shrink at school?

Nope. They just love my kid.

I let his teacher know the doc gave him a clean bill of health...if they still want to test, fine, go ahead. It won't change a thing.

It's really time we celebrate our kid's differences...I love the fact that Destin is in love with NASCAR, is great at Math, and is very tidy. I think it's OK if he prefers to play alone sometimes...he has 2 good little friends at school that he hangs out with and you know what? That's more than most kids have these days. And they are great kids. Destin is not afraid to be different. What more could a mother ask for?

Destin is my little Nerd and I would never have it any other way.


  1. We were just discussing this the other day. About how Steve Jobs or Bill Gates might now be considered "Autistic" because of their lack of social skills. And, if being Steve Jobs is what these kids are going to grow up to be like...then we are in for some amazing things in the future! :)

  2. sounds like hes going through everything I did as a child Cassie, he's probably smarter than you think too, I'm still into numbers lol, maybe he would like watching the number videos I watch at

    as a child I was bullied daily for being a nerd, so much I hated the idea of going to school every day, I hope Destin never has that problem, and yes I have a mild form of autism and for years my parents kept it from me, when I found out in the late 90's it didnt really bother me much, it explained a lot... I'm sure all will be ok

    your parents raised excellent girls and I dont doubt for a second that your little Destin will do great!

    Uncle Matt
